Flowers, Unidentified, a Poem

How sometimes, we simply, can’t, be two places at once, which means, we had to, miss out on something that’s happening over there, because we’re, right, here…translated…

And so, there Were, a Hundred Species of Flowers, Blooming in, Synchrony, after that,

The Springtime is about to, Get on Stage———

And so, Travelers Wandered the Trails Paved with the Flowers Longer

The Weeds Grew to, Taller than the, Fences

And So, the Fogged Up Matters of the Heart is Added on

The Dusk Arrived, Late

And the Stares on Me by Fate, Deepened

The Memories Covered Up the Scenic Views

The Room Locked the Gazes, in

So, through the Spaces Between My Trembling Fingers

I Saw the Dawn in the, Distant, Over the Tips of the Tree

A Teardrop Shaped Fruit

Was, Formed

And so, that dew, did it, finally, fall?  Nobody knows, and it doesn’t, really matter, because, this is all about, waiting for something to happen, and sometimes, we wait, for too long, we’d, missed out on something else that’s, equally, amazing, because we waited here, and neglected what is happening, over, there.

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Filed under Cost of Living, Life, Loss, Philosophies of Life, Poetry, Properties of Life, Pursuits of Pointless Things, Things Left Behind

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