There Should be the Addendum Added on to the Legislative Reforms, Instead of it Being Overthrown

How these, DDP government officials keeps on, trying to, distract from the discussions of what’s really important, playing that game of deflecting from the major issues, how they’re still, WASTING the people’s times, and the taxpayers’ dollars, and we’re, condoning to this SHIT!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The city councilman, Miao’s questioning the mayor, Chiang on the issues of the legislature’s setting up the regulations of the amendments of legislative reform, believing that the legislators are now going to be too easily “held on contempt of legislature” for their “improper inquiries”, that it’d breached the already written laws of the counsel.  But, Miao’s questioning, already broke the set rule of the city council meeting regulations, that this qualifies as “improper questioning”, that not even the chairperson, can halt.  Miao may not have done this intentionally, but the actions reflected the wayward thoughts of the various levels of councilmembers.

The case showed clearly, that to the various levels of the government, the way to run the meetings are in need of, reform, that it has to fit to the legalities, and has to, make up for the, lacking; through the independence of the legislative, increasing the quality of the party questioning and the party that’s, answering the inquiries, to better the means of governing of the government bodies.

The legislative reform act, based off of the records of the post-subjective of the second time, should be the categories that pleases all the parties.  Unfortunate that it’d, turned into, the fight for power, every time the switch of the party in power happens, the standpoints of the various individuals get flipped over, and the proposed acts, don’t get turned into real policies.  Lai signed off on the drafts of the amendment of legislative reform, in hope, that this would be a one-time-only political statement, that this should quickly end, to get back to the original beliefs, to NOT cause the cycles of karmic duels of the parties.

The city councilperson, Miao’s questioning the means of amendment of the legislature, clearly has nothing to do with the “duties or responsibilities of the city government or the mayor”.  Miao is on the payroll of the residents of the city of Taipei, but in the meetings, strayed far from the business unrelated to the operations of the city of Taipei.  Miao can show interests in reforms of legislature, and can also, call another meeting to invite the mayor, Chiang to attend, but she should NOT go against the citizens’ wishes.  If Miao is worried about “improper questioning”, then, she must, work hard, using her own exam-le, to affect the changes in her peers, and needed to do what’s right by the law, what’s right by the people.

And so, this is, merely, an example of how these DDP voted legislators, are challenging the authorities in their own sects, and, they’d brought up these issues, that aren’t even related to anything being on the rosters of discussions in the city council meetings, and we’re still, paying for these meetings, because everything is paid for by the taxpayers’ tax dollars, and, that’s how these DDP legislators, continue to abuse their power statuses in the government, and we’re all, condoning to this shit!

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