The Artificial Intelligence Face Swap and Voice-Over, May Cause a Brand New Form of Bullying in School

How A.I. gives way to cyberbullying, making it even more prevalent, as everything is still going, viral online, and, artificial intelligence can generate the voices, the photos that resemble real human beings…the downside to the advancements of hi-tech here, and we can’t go back to before, as A.I. is now, what’s, trending in the world!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Legislators Claimed the Virtual Reality Sexual Assaults, the Harassments from Online, Can Also Cause an Adverse Effect, the Department of Education: We are Reinforcing the Awareness of A.I. in the Students and the Instructors

From 2017 to 2022 school year, the reported suicides, self-mutilations in the primary and secondary schools increased by the multiples, a lot of students committed suicide because they can’t stand being bullied in the schools.  The legislators are worried, that with the developing technologies of A.I., to the point of making someone else’s voices sound real, using someone else’s face, there are, newer and more innovative means of cyberbullying, it would be even harder, to find out WHO the original abusers, who the, enablers are in the cases of reported cyberbullying.

one of the major concerns of cyberbullying using A.I., found online

The C.E.O. of the All Parents’ Group League, Hsiao believed, that due to the declines in birthrates, the parents spoiled their young more and more, causing the children to become, too, self-centered, which affects their interactions with their peers, to the point of an increased prevalence of bullying.  He believes, that the parents need to grow with their own children, to pay more attention to the children’s wellbeing, to accompany the children more, and the teachers and school counselors’ roles in bully prevention is needed as well

The legislator, Ko pointed out at the education committee conference of the legislature, that the increased usages of A.I. and V.R devices, may cause the various extensions of different forms of bullying.  He also played two recorded voice files, the contents are all by artificial intelligence, but, the voices closely resembled that of real persons, and there’s no special skills needed to, make these, voice recordings by any laypersons.

Go stated, that recently, there’s the very first virtual reality sexual assault case, the victim didn’t get assaulted physically, but had been, impacted mentally and psychologically, there were the students who’d responded, how in the online gaming or in the virtual world online, they were being, harassed constantly, that the Department of Education should propose the new ways of handling of these new forms of cyberbullying.

The legislator, Chen mentioned that there’s the rate of increase in student suicides and self-harm, that, many students had, harmed themselves due to repeated being bullied.  The Department of Education estimated that there’s a growth of nine multiples of cases of the various age groups’ suicide due to cyberbullying.

And, there’s also that increase of substance abuse in the schools.  Based off of estimates of the Department of Education, there were 482 students who’d abused substances in 2023, eighty-three more compared to the year before.

Wang of the Mobilizing National Education League stated, that the number of substance abuse of students had been, underreported by a lot, the problem is that on the schools’ end, they can’t do the drug tests for everybody, that it’s hard to catch the abusers.  The Department of Education only uses the propagandas to advocate the bad of drug abuse, with NO concrete actions, that it is next to impossible to change the students’ understandings of the effects of the illegal substances.

further than this, I’m afraid…illustration from online

The Department of Education stated, that if A.I. became used as a tool in bullying, the protocols of how the schools handle bullying will still be implemented, with the focus on the events, and the people involved.  In the future, the Department of Education hoped to set up the conferences to educate the teachers of artificial intelligence, to increase the means of training of professionals on using A.I. as a tool for bullying, so the trained professionals can know when to check if voice over or A.I. generated images are used in bullying.

On the matter of substance abuse in the schools, Cheng the head of Department of Education stated, that there will be more reinforcements of the policies to promote against the use and abuse of the illegal substances, that the government will work with the city, the department of education, on safeguarding the health of adult and adolescent citizens, to help them stay mentally healthy.

Everything still works, PERFECTLY, in THEORY, but, the world is now, falling, quickly and WAY behind the development of these, advancements of technologies, especially now, A.I. came into the scenes, and, there will be more cases of cyberbullying, of A.I. generated sexually illicit photos that resembled someone we know, getting passed, and those aren’t even real people, and we have NO way of taking those down, because once it’s online, it goes, VIRAL, and, it won’t get pulled, NOT even if the government ORDERS it!

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