With an Understanding Mother-in-Law

A perfect example of how a mother-in-law should, treat her, daughter-in-law, on becoming a family, by marriage, translated…

Whether it be the movies or the soaps, there were the scripts of mothers and daughters-in-law not getting along with one another, although, some of these scenes had gone, overboard in portrayal, but, these came from the inspirations of real-life, and when the mothers and daughters-in-law don’t get along, the atmosphere of the entire family, will be, very, tense.  I was more than blessed, I didn’t have this sort of problem, because I’d been, blessed with a mother-in-law who’s kind, understanding, who always put her young first!

When I just got married, I’d felt, a bit nervous, in a, new, environment, worried that I may make the tiny mistakes.  One day close to the Chinese New Year, I was doing the dishes, and my hand slipped, and the bowl, shattered; I’d felt, so scared, “man!  I broken a bowl, it’s almost the New Year, and, that will be bad luck, don’t know if my mother-in-law is going to get angry about it………”

the interactions, of kindness…photo from online

As I didn’t know how to act, my mother-in-law heard the shattered bowl, and came over from the living room, with that bright laughter, told me, “it’s quite okay!  Broken means, you will have a safe the rest of the year.”, then, she’d picked up the broom from behind the door, and started, sweeping the broken pieces back up, and told me to NOT squat down to pick up the broken shards, that I will, cut my hands.  Her kind words, it’d, warmed me, as a newly wedded daughter-in-law up on the inside.

My husband and I both don’t make that much money, my mother-in-law knew, that I don’t feel comfortable, spending my cash, and so, whenever she’d gone out to travel, or around the New Year’s, she’d always, brought something back for me.  One year on Mother’s Day, she’d given my son a name brand moisturizer, handed it to my son who’s in preschool back then, told him, “your mom went through labor to bring you into this world, give this to her as a Mother’s Day present.”, as I got the moisturizer from my son, I saw my mother-in-law’s kind arrangement, I was, moved.

There was another time, my husband and I took my mother-in-law traveling, looking at the green mountains that surrounded us, my husband suggested that we take a picture, my mother-in-law patted her belly, said, “my belly’s too large, I don’t look good in the photos.”  At that moment in time, I’d felt, that my eighty-year-old mother-in-law was, too, cute, I’d looked at her closely, and told her, “your large belly produced three tall and excellent, sons, it’s normal, that your belly is bigger, because your belly is, amazing!” after I’d spoken, the shutter clicked, and, our smiles were, in that, freeze frame inside my photo album in my phone.

I’d been married into my mother-in-law’s family for sixteen years to date, thinking back to how I’d interacted with her, I’d felt, that she is, a wise woman who knew how to, empathize, that she’s always tolerant, understanding toward others, outgoing, with an easy going temperament, that was how the family was able to, interact so very, well.  I’m thinking, that this is, a blessing, and luck, that I am, a part of, this, family!

So, because your mother-in-law is very kind to you, and knew to empathize with you, that’s why, you’d, reciprocated with the same respect for her, and that still just showed, that there can be the amicable relationships between mothers and daughters-in-law, given that the mothers-in-law keep an open mind, and NOT seen their daughters-in-law as someone who came and stole my baby boys, away, and if you can lose that thought of how your son is no longer your son, but her husband, then, you may well be able to, interact amicably, with your, daughters-in-law.

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