The U.N. Security Council Ordered the Ceasefire Between Israeli-Hamas

So, they’re in their, close-to-final-stage of that ceasefire agreement between Israeli and Palestine, and it looks like, they’re, agreeing on things now, but, who knows, if this will work out, because until the end, nobody can say, which way it’ll, go…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The U.S. Proposed a Three-Stage Ceasefire Agreement, China Undecided, Russia Forfeited Voting, The New York Times: Israeli-Hamas Had Not Yet Formally Accepted the Peace Agreements

The securities council of the U.N. on the tenth, reached a decision, demanded that Israeli and Hamas stop the eight-month-long war, to exchange the hostages and the prisoners.  As this decision, which was proposed by the U.S. was being voted  on, China didn’t use the power of veto, with Russia, forfeiting its vote.  This draft that was signed off on the American President, Biden, after fifteen members of the Security Council’s discussion of close to a week, on the nineth, finally, passed.

The U.N. Ambassador from the U.S., Thomas-Greenfield said, “Today, we’re, voting for peace”.  On May 31th, Biden proposed a three stage ceasefire agreement, to stop all fighting in Gaza, and get all the hostages, released.  Based off of the local department of sanitation in Gaza, this conflict already caused more than 37,000 Palestinians to lose their lives.

The U.N. stated, that the first stage of the agreement demanded a complete and immediate ceasefire for six weeks, the release of all hostages including women, elderly, the wounded, to return the corpses of the murdered hostages and a trade for the Palestinian prisoners.  And, the Israeli army needed to retreat out of the “densely populated areas” of Gaza, to allow the humanitarian efforts to enter in.

a news report on this matter, off of

The second stage included a permanent ceasefire to stop the hostility completely, release of ALL hostages still in Gaza, and for the Israeli armed forces to extract ALL of its military forces out of the area.  The third stage, the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip, and all of the hostages’ remains from Israel still in Gaza get returned to Israel.

The spokesperson of the American U.N. ambassador group, Evans claimed, “Israel already accepted the agreement, we call out to Hamas to accept it as well.”

Reuters report, that Hamas responded, that it is onboard the act, and that they’d readied to work with the mediators, to implement the “Palestinian and the resistance movement”.  But The New York Times pointed out, that Israeli and Hamas had both not yet accepted the above agreements formally.

The Guardian stated that Israel is unclear on its position, although the government already, formally accepted the agreement, the PM. Netanyahu tried to separate from it.

C.B.S reported, that four senior former and current government officials told, that the Biden government worries that the three stages of ceasefire agreement won’t go through, and not ruled out having a one side negotiation, seeking for the Hamas to release the five U.S. hostages when the time comes.

And so, this is how they’re, dealing, and, just because the National Security Council of the U.N. had agreed that a CEASEFIRE is to happen between Israeli and Hamas, that still don’t mean that it will work, because, who the HELL are you, to TELL us to STOP fighting, when we’re fighting for our rights, to SET up our own country?  And, this still just showed how BULLY the U.S. and other major players of the U.N. Security Council are.  Who the HELL are you, to tell us, to STOP fighting, you’re NOT the boss of us, besides, we’re fighting for the RIGHT to set up our own country (from the Palestinian side), and we’re fighting to KEEP Palestine a part of Israel, because we do NOT want to lose land!

So yeah, even IF this ceasefire plan worked out at the very end, that still does NOT mean, that PEACE will happen between Israeli-Hamas, it’s just, the, FORMALITIES that’s agreed upon here.

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