A Push Toward Peace, to Allow for the Feelings of Safeness of Taiwan

The explanation of how a manipulative government can turn the people into believing, that peace is not an option, that we can only, keep on, living in the fears of, communist takeover, that the only option we have, is to, DEFY China, and that will cause many people to DIE, WHEN (note: the “if” got taken “out” of that “equation” already!!!) we do go to war with China!  We the people still, too easily, MANIPULATED by the, CORRUPTED, DDP here!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

I was strolling in a bookstore, and a book on military tactics caught my eye.  And, the result of the books are exactly the same each and every one, with China, Japan, U.S. and Taiwan, end up, losing, big.

No matter the contents, if the endings are expected or unexpected, the term, “military simulation”, plus the covers that cause a sensation is enough to catch the attentions of readers, that is from the curiosities toward war, the stimulations of war have on us, along with the anxiousness of a possible war coming our ways, but it’d made people wonder: why doesn’t this same effect when peace is talked about?

On the matter of discussion of Taiwan and China, the word, “peace” seemed to be a taboo; everybody wanted things to stay as is, but, nobody want to, try and promote peace, fearing that they may get labeled as, a Chinese comrade, and worried more of being labeled for selling Taiwan out.

This sort of defamation and skepticism toward peace, seemed to have rooted down in history: for instance, the man, who’d promoted peace, a favorite member of the court by the emperor of the Song Dynasty, who’d been known for selling the dynasty out or the appeasement policies implemented by France and England  before World War II, had caused the rise of Nazism of Hitler in Europe, while peace is related to weakness, bystander.

Taiwan in the recent years, the mottos of “Defy China to protect Taiwan”, rang louder that “peace with China to protect Taiwan”.  And yet, Taiwan is now, paying that price, the concrete tactics are the deterrence, forcing both sides to arm up, elevating the chances of war between Taiwan and China; and, the space to talk of peace between Taiwan and China is currently shrinking to nil, and slowly, being, forgotten.

Emma Sky, when asked about what she thought of the Taiwan situation, or maybe, in this country, peace became synonymous with appeasement already, there’s the desperate need for that new name, to the point of using “another word”.  When did it happen, that Taiwan, which had prided itself for being democratic, interpreted peace as surrendering, and if people don’t stated it perfectly, then, they will get hounded by the rest of society?

At this very moment of time, the pacifists may not be favored on the island, but the concepts of peace needed that new start, a restart, what Emma offered, the “Push for Peace”, may be an opportunity; because, no matter how unattractive peace is, it’s the best way to keep Taiwan safe and sound.

So this dissected WHY and HOW we’re, drawn toward WAR, when in reality, PEACE, is our, only, option, but the government still manipulated the people, making us fear Communist Chinese takeover, and because we the people, allowed the DDP to prey on our fears of Communist takeover, that’s why, we’d, followed the DDP down that path of the inevitable path to war, and in the end, it’ll still be, the INNOCENT nobodies like me, and those faces in the crowds that die for the cause of the calls of Taiwanese independence, that god DAMN motto of the DDP, to DEFY China to SAVE Taiwan, because we the people are, too easily manipulated, we allowed the DDP to PREY on our fears…because we the people are too, FUCKING (so???) retarded, to VOTE this manipulative government into office.

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