“Women Over Fifty Want in (or was it “From”) a Man”

This was something, that caught my split-second (that’s already, way too, long) attention as I’d, opened up my homepage on MSN today, and here’s my “take” on that…

Passing a certain age (say, MIDLIFE???), we are no longer, “hormonal”, marching toward, MENOPAUSE (hello, hello, hello, did ANYONE forget all our, “expirations”???), so, I would imagine, (wouldn’t know, ‘cuz I’m not quite “there” yet…) that we want men, who will, be our, companions (woof!!!).

Someone who’ll, stay by our sides (woof!), someone who’ll, wake us up with those, kisses (licks on our faces???), each and every morn, or maybe, someone who’ll, serve us, those, breakfasts in bed (yeah right!!!)….

Someone who’ll be our, companions for the rest of our lives (however long that may be???), as we march into our, elderly years, someone who’s, MATURE, someone who can BE there for us, EMOTIONALLY, someone who does NOT get on our, EVERY NERVE (here comes out, emotional ups and downs of MENOPAUSE!!!).

What we want is this, someone whom we can be EQUALS with, someone who won’t TAKE advantage of us, who will, TREAT us with the DIGNITY and RESPECT, despite how we’re no longer, “viable” (those ova all, “left the building” here???), but are we going to get that???  Uh, HELL no, not from you, two-legged, @#$%ING sons-of-bitches (see, I DO still, “CENSOR” my self!), so yeah, many of us, we are, more than likely, to settle down with those, furry little, or furry BIG, things, and some of those may be males, OR females, because at this time in our lives, we’re, no longer, THAT, “selective”, we just want someone, to warm up our beds, during the cold nights of winter, someone who’ll, wake us up with them, kisses on our faces, that, would be, what WE women want, in our, post-menopausal, years, I’m thinkin’, can’t be absolutely SURE, ‘cuz I’m still, NOT quite “there” yet, so…

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Filed under Humor/Sarcasm, Social Awareness, Life, Perspectives, Philosophies of Life, Old Age, Observations, Properties of Life, Socialization

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