The Will of the Party Still More Important than the Will of the People, the Parties Out of Power are, Critical of the New Members of the Government

How these, assigned (they weren’t elected, but appointed by the government of the DDP!) officials, all forgotten their promises to we the people, and we the people still get the, SHORTEST end of that, STICK, because we are still, too FUCKING (so???) retarded, for putting the corrupt political party, into, office, and we must all, suffer for, these upcoming, four whole, years, like we’d done, under Tsai’s regime of the last eight, and had we all forgotten, HOW many people had DIED, during the height of the pandemic???  Apparently, the people’s THREE NANOSECONDS’ of attention span is to blame in all of this, because we still get fooled, voting them all into, office here. And there are still, NO victims, only abusers AND enablers!  We DESERVE everything that we will be, getting!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The head of Executive Department, Cho had not yet, begun in his position for a month, there were the multiple misspoken words of the various heads of government departments and the DDP mayors, the legislator of the KMT, Niou criticized, that on the matter of policies of energy, the officials can’t be ambiguous, he’d stated it straight, called out the wayward behaviors of the new members of the executive departments of the government.  The legislator of the TPP, Lin stated, that he’d originally thought, that with Cho as the head of state, he would consider more of the people’s perspectives, but after these past few days of inquiries, he was still, driven by his loyalty toward his political party, and intended to “go wrong all the way!”

Niou criticized, that the DDP continued in power, the first three months, they’d, guarded up the internal cabinets, the head of state, Chen, because he was about to step down, he’d become, a “fighting wolf”, the KMT legislators are now, tired of this group of people’s arrogance, and how the DDP is totally, unreasonable, but they can still understand where this behavior came from; but, the newly elected heads of states still behaved waywardly, then it’s a problem of the quality of legislative policies, currently, the officials of the DDP government are all, appointed and the trusted members of Lai, of course, the president, Lai would be made responsible for all of their, bad behaviors.

Niou stated, that on the policies that impacted the whole country, the officials kept on changing their statements over, for instance, on the energy policies, at first, the head of Economics, Kuo originally stated it clearly, but then, later, he’d changed his beliefs, turned into the “shapes of the DDP”; on the more important policies that impact the entire country, the heads of departments can’t be evasive or unclear, especially on the policies regarding energy, the president, Lai should explain everything clearly to everybody.

Lin pointed out, that there were many of the heads of departments that came out of the industries, based off of reasoning, they would care more about people’s opinions, but, as they’re about to get into office, they were all self-righteous, and once they’re into office, they’d, switched to a new tune, and followed the ways that things are done by the DDP, and all of our expectations of them, are completely, bust, “taking the office as party-affiliated, this is, most, dangerous, and would go against the people’s opinions.”

Lin stated, that Cho was nicknamed the master apprentice, that in the past, he worked in the city council, that he is, supposedly, closer to the people’s opinions, but now, he’d, become, completely, different, and a lot of these heads of departments are not answering to what’s being asked of them, “the ideals from before they were all elected into office, once they started in their positions, none of that, mattered.”

The legislator of the TPP, Chen also named the second of the Department of Health and Social Welfare, Lin, for mistaking her post of executive, into city councilperson, that she’s too, arrogant, that her behaviors are, really, awful.

And so, the painted on faces of these politicians finally, falls OFF, once they’re all, into office, and it don’t matter WHICH party these power abusers are, because once you get the power in your hands, you become, power-thirsty, and you will, disregard the people’s wishes, despite how it’s still, WE the people (still TOO STUPID!) who’d, put you into, your, office, and we the people still, don’t learn these important lessons, that’s why, we will all, continue to, get abused, endlessly, by these, corrupt political parties, and bad politicians.

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