Tag Archives: Waiting for Grief to Catch Up

Standing Idle, at the Intersection of Grief & Loss

I’m just waiting, for all of those “feelings”, to catch up to me…

Standing idle, at the intersection of grief and loss, still waiting, waiting, to feel something, ANYTHING at all!  I’d waited, and waited, until the lights turned green…

Standing idle, at the intersection of grief and loss, I found myself, statuesque, unable to move, I’m too, petrified, to even move, an inch farther.  Standing idle, at the intersection of grief and loss, I’m still waiting, for either loss, or grief, to kick me on my behind.

Standing idle, at the intersection of grief and loss, I don’t know what to do, I’m beside myself now, I’m too, overwhelmed, with all these awful emotions I want to run away from, but, I couldn’t, because, I knew, that they will eventually, catch up to me, and, there is, NO place, for me to run!

Standing idle, at the intersection of grief and loss, I’m crying now, so very hard, I lost, ALL of my strengths, crying my eyes out, and, there’s no way, I can defend against, this influx of negative emotions…

Standing idle, at the intersection of grief and loss, I’m waiting, for either to catch on to me, but, I looked left, AND then, I looked right, there IS no sight, of either one of them, perhaps, they’d ditched me completely???

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Filed under Being Exposed, Cost of Living, Healing Process, Loss, Moods, Emotions, & Feelings