Tag Archives: Time Cut Short

Page by Page, Life Flew by

Page by page, life flew by, it’s, as if that book had taken on a life of all its own…

Page by page, life flew by, whereas from before, I couldn’t even T-U-R-N the page, it got STUCK, but now, page by page, life flew by, so quickly that I didn’t have the time to catch my breath even!

Page by page, life flew right by, and, there’s NO way you can prevent these pages of YOUR books from turning too quickly, there’s NO way to slow down the pace that book is being “flipped” either.  Page by page, life flew by, and now, you have only a handful of pages, as your lives are about to end, and, you can’t look back, because it hurt too bad (yeah, I still know!!!), and, you recalled the times, when you’d flipped through the pages so quickly, that you didn’t even take your sweet time, savoring the words of your own stories.

Page by page, life flew by, and, that book had taken on a life of its own, and it’s now going at, TWICE the speed of light, and, you KNOW that by the time that the pages are over, your lives will be too, don’t you???

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Filed under Cost of Living, Creative Writing, Fate, Life, Moods, Emotions, & Feelings, Properties of Life, Story-Telling, Values, Wake Up Calls, Writing