Tag Archives: Sexually Abused by Someone with a Higher Up Status

The Asian-German Version of #MeToo the Victims Chose to Selectively Forget, Not Dared Told Their Loved Ones They’d Been Sexually Harassed

The braveness of this woman, finally remembering what had happened, and decided to speak up and about of her own sexual abuse by a man of high status, that her families trusted, and she’s still not his only victim, her younger sister was molested too, and god knows how many there were in the unknowns that still hadn’t, come out yet!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Nightmares that Persisted for Long-Term, Hoped “There will NEVER be Another Victim”

“I kept thinking, had I started screaming, scolding him, then, maybe, there wouldn’t be so many, victims now?” Z (a false identity of the victim) was raised in Taiwan, in 2009, she’d moved to Germany to marry, her husband, Wang is a Chinese language student at Hamburg University locally, at a gathering, she’d mentioned that she’d been troubled long-term of back aches, and Wang claimed that he knew the means of massage therapy based off of the systems of the body, invited the couple to his home for the physical therapy sessions, and she’d not known, that this caused her to have the nightmares for many years that followed.

The three victims were interviewed by UDN, through the webcam chats, they’d described what happened.  As Z was sexually harassed, her husband was close by.  She’d described, that her husband and Wang’s wife were close by on the couch, carrying on in conversations, Wang put a huge towel over her body, then, put his hand inside the towel, and caressed her breasts, as he’d molested her, he’d claimed, that the acupressure points will help the uterus function better.  She’d described her body as being in a catatonic state then, and until they left the home of Wang, she’d told her husband what had happened to her during the massage, and, she’d not gone to the authorities, and blamed herself for allowing him to molest her to this very day.

L (a false name) is the youngest of all the known victims.  She was in Taiwan when Wang molested her, back then, Wang worked for the Central Research Institute, before she was to set out to head to Germany for her studies, because her family was acquainted with Wang, Wang told her he would give her German lessons, invited her into his office for the lessons, and as she’d arrived, she’d found, that it wasn’t his office, but his dorm instead.  As Wang taught her German, he’d put his hand on her shoulders, and started massaging her, then had her lie down to keep massaging her, claimed that Germany is open on this sort of thing, that there would be those who are nude, tanning, and in the end, he’d put his hands down her clothes.

As L left the Central Research Institute, her father waited for her at the gates.  As Wang accompanied her out of the gates, she’d gotten into her father’s car, and asked him to drive to the next place, “everything seemed to be normal”.  She’d not dared disclosed what happened to her to the family, until she’d met W and her sister who were also both from Taiwan, and that was when she realized, that she wasn’t alone in being sexually molested by Wang, that W was also, a victim too.  And, as the group of victims who were interviewed, W had been found among one of the most severely impacted.

W became acquainted with Wang in her elementary years, her families had supported Wang to head over to Russia for his studies.  W told, that since Wang became acquainted with her mother, he’d started noting himself as W’s uncle, and gained her family’s trust.  After Wang was married, he’d moved to Germany, and invited her and her sister to travel, he took advantage of when her younger sister went out, started molesting W at her own home, during the time he’d molested her, he kept claiming, “I’m doing something that helps you using acupressure points!”

Afterwards, Wang went to her home multiple times, and she’d pretended she wasn’t in, and not answered the door.  Once, Wang lied to her, that his wife would be coming by, and as she’d opened her door, he’d attempted to molest her again, she’d screamed at him, “Don’t touch me!”.  Wang went from shock to anger, even Wang’s wife couldn’t understand why she’d reacted so strongly.  She’d escaped back to Taiwan, and, at the start of the year, she saw the setting up of the Heidelberg Taiwanese Mandarin Learning Center being set up, and saw his photo in the groundbreaking, she was shocked, “he’s back!”

She told, that it’d been over a decade since she was sexually molested, she’d dealt with it by blocking the memories out, and not thought back to what had happened then.  Even to the day before the interview with the papers, her mother still asked her, “if  he’d touched you, why did you not bite him?”, she was hurt, but can understand it, because those who’d not been, sexually harassed had, responded like her mother had too, she felt difficult, as she’d written the whole process of what had happened to her down, and gained the support from her entire family, hoping, that Wang will be punished by the law, that this can help stop the authorities from protecting one of their own, “to let there never be another victim again!”

And, this woman is brave, to finally, speak up and out about what happened, but unfortunately, there will always be, the next victim, just not by this particular perpetrator, but there will always be the victims, because the world gets into the habits of blaming the victims when something like this happens, and even as the #MeToo movement is starting to trend everywhere in the world right now.

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Filed under Abuse, Abuse of Power, Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Crime & Punishment, Punishment Doesn't Fit the Crime, Rapes, Sexual Assaults, Suppressed Memories, Violence Against Members of Opposite Sex, White Picket Fence