The Shadows, Painted by the Candles

The shadows, painted by the candles, they’re oh so scary, and it’s just me and my Teddy, all alone, holding each other tight (well, I’m holding HIM tight!!!).  The shadows, painted by the candles, they’d become monsters, threatening my life…

The shadows, painted by the candles, I’d hollered out to mama, and, she came to me, and told me it was nothing, and that I’m letting my imagination run too wildly, that I need to keep it, locked up in that cage.

The shadows, painted by the candles, had you ever seen anything like it?  I mean, how did something with such a fainting flame manage to create something so huge, so humongous, so scary?  And, how can I survive through this long, cold, dark night of my childhood???  I have absolutely NO idea!!!

The shadows, painted by the candles, I’d had them, to accompany me all the way up ‘til I’m grown, and now, I’d found comfort, in what I was originally afraid of, learned to live alongside those shadows, painted by the candles of my childhood career (and yeah, it still IS.).  The shadows, painted by the candles, I wanted to put out that flame that’s burning, but, if I do, I’d be in utterly and complete, darkness, and that, is NEVER good.

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Filed under Abandonment of Children, Childhood, Moods, Emotions, & Feelings, Writing

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